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Home Sleep Studies

All home studies are hand delivered. This study is useful to diagnose Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the comfort of the patient's home. If positive, several options are presented to help the patient choose a remedy that will work best for them.

Sleep Consultations

Sleep Consultations are available before or after a sleep study.

Lab Studies

Diagnostic Baseline, Split Night, Cpap Titration, Pap Nap, MSLT, and Maintenance of Wakefulness Tests are all available.

Why Work With Us

1)  Patients will interact with an owner.  We care about the outcome and are genuinely interested in improving the lives of those we interact with (See Mission).  


2)  Due to our in-office billing policy, our patient will not have to endure the cost of a facility fee often charged at hospital located sleep centers.


3)  Quick turnaround:  Dr. Meyer usually has sleep study interpretations done within 24 hours of testing.  


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